Employer Branding
A company is only as great as its people and great people want to be associated with amazing brands.
While you’re looking for best recruits, they’re looking for you too. While you’re seeking to find the best, they’re trying to ascertain whether you’d be the best fit for them. So how do the quality candidates find you — and how do you find them? This is where employer branding plays a huge role, not only in retaining but also in attracting top quality passive candidates.
Our corporate training sessions, focusing on the role Employer Branding plays in Recruitment. We are covering the following topics:
♦ Recruitment content and marketing
♦ Employer branding action plan
♦ LinkedIn Branding
♦ Social Media strategy
♦ Creating unique candidates experiences
♦ Embracing technology to build a strong employer brand
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Recruitment Strategy


Executive Search